Dont ask me...I am asking the exact same questions.
I know. I was just piggy backing on what you said.
The idea that Obama steps out of the fog and hardly anyone knows anything about his past and doesn’t question it is mind bending.
One would have to reveal more in a basic job interview than Obama did to become President?
Healthcare look like it was DOA and the next thing you know via some parlimentary voodoo its alive and well?
The leader of the “free” world has not submitted a budget his entire time in office.
Boheyner is ineffective, as is evident the last several years, and should step down and let someone else give it a try.
On and on..nothing adds up.
The idea that obama would not lose in a land slide makes me wander how one lives in a outlaw government without selling out one’s own principles?
The Republicans answer to Obama is Romney..???
Wake me up when the Rebellion starts.
“Wake me up when the Rebellion starts.”
What rebellion? The only rebellion would be if Obozo looses.
As I have pointed out in numerous post, the Marxist have done an excellent job of dumbing down the American population.
They own most all of the media, and most all of education, K thru Grad School.
The Republicans are nothing more then limp wrist today, and it does give credence to what Savage says...8 year Rep., 8 year Dem., but someone did not get the memo..America is sinking into a Communist abyss.