Rick Scott (RINO-FL) is feckless. No backbone t'all.
its horrible that this young man was killed, but he seemed to instigate it with his suspicious behavior and his actions....
the parents should face the facts that their son was not an innocent bystander...and the public should know that Martin used pot, was out of school because he was suspended, was well over 6 feet tall and towered over Z and that Martin had issues in other things as well....
It’s a bad day for the libs and their black idols.
Pedal faster, Gutman. Maybe the wind will blow the pie off you creepy, liberal, biased face.
(George Zimmerman's great grandfather)
ABC seems more inclined to get at least some of the facts out than the other MSM members. Same thing for Fast & Furious.
The media is no longer referring to Zimmerman as white or “white hispanic”, thus signaling that even they no longer think he’s guilty.
I don't want to jinx things. But between this case falling apart and Scott Walker and Scott Brown doing well against their socialist opponents, my favorite cult 'the progressives' (ref MSNBC) are looking to take another well deserved beating.
Scott Walker beats these socialists in WI and we will have one hell of a conservative POTUS candidate material, the quality of which was not close to seen in this R primary.
there was never really a case, they just wanted to avoid riots and they did. Now this kid’s parents will be forced to deal with the fact that they messed up. Their kid was a drug using gangsta wannabe that just happened to pick on a shorter hispanic guy that unfortunately for him, had a gun.
Lil Tray got shot because he spent more time talking and acting than thinking.
Since the state’s case is blowing up, Holder will move in to protect his people..
My local paper is doing the ‘it’s all so confusing - this for that side, that for the other’ ... For a liberal paper that translates into ‘we want the story to go away because it doesn’t support liberal lies but we have to cover it...’