Hopefully the planned riots unravel, too.
mmm mmm mmm
The already had the toxicology reports back on l’il angel Trayvon and dat playa wuz a WALKING PHARMACY.
Why no talk about DAT...?
Where’s the beef?
My wz comment http://weaselzippers.us/2012/05/17/autopsy-trayvon-martin-had-thc-in-system/#comment-708359; see the comparison of photos of O & Traybin giving the middle finger:
Like father [or, as O said Travan would look like him] like son.
The mother hefering give the fingering HUGE 6’ 3” Goliath of a nearly 18 year old kid where the lamestream lib MSM has constantly showed Trajans 3rd grade school photo and Traitons knuckles were punch bruised. Insane!
And the likes of Al Sharpton are going to keep hollering about repealing laws giving you the right to defend yourself against the monstrously oversized thugs that roam the streets. Stand up to this perversion and travesty of justice that is happening now in FL.
If the Florida attorney general had all of this info...why on earth did she proceed with a 2nd degree murder charge?
Something is not adding up.
I believe all of the evidence is true and accurate...so why the charge?
Are they that willing to cave to pressure? If they are, it is an absolute miscarriage of justice and will lead to worse things by the race baiters who are pushing this agenda, including Holder and Obama.
Where are all the Leftists FReepers who were telling me I was crazy and wrong in my opinion about what really happened with Tray-tray and Zimmerman when the story first gained notoriety?
Their silence is quite deafening.
It’s now obvious the prosecutor in this case should be disbarred...hopefully before the government loses the civil suit that’s coming down the pike...
This is epic.
Boy, who saw this coming..../ sarcasm tag!
“Mike Nifong, Mike Nifong, please pick up the yellow courtesy phone, Angela Corey on Line 1!”
George Zimmerman should be released immediately without charges. It is now fact that the “son of POTUS Barack Hussein Obama” was indeed a teenage street gangsta and full blown Black racist. No jury of objective peers would ever convict George Zimmerman of 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman goes free either now, or by jury decision later. Sorry, Obama, sorry hateful Black racists. A thug is a thug regardless of color, and...Trayvon Martion was a bonafide thug/gangsta. The truth hurts, but....the truth is still the truth.
So Corey’s case will be that all the evidence is fabricated by a vast White racist Zimmerman conspiracy to profile and kill Blacks?
This is not new information. It is information that was available which the klan with the tan and their house crackers failed to report at the news race hate rallies.
From what I’ve seen so far, the biggest piece of evidence released today isn’t the injuries (and certainly isn’t the THC). Apparently, one of the witnesses reported seeing one person chasing another. This case very well could turn on who was chasing who. If Martin was chasing Zimmerman, then Zimmerman is almost certainly in the clear. If, on the other hand, Zimmerman was chasing Martin, that would just about destroy Zimmerman’s self defense claim. It will be very interesting to see/hear more about that witness statement.
Don’t matter now, Zimmerman is gone. If he beats the State’s kangeroo court, Holder’s goons will grab him. Zimmerman has now become a political cause. Self hating White Liberals, America’s favorite reverends, and media, and those that are opposed to allowing citizens to defend themselves from attacks by criminals will not allow it to die.