I don’t think the ERA was a conservative proposal. Nor was Gov. Wilder a conservative. And he lost his own district to a Dem.
On the ballot in how many states?
Sorry, not a serious candidate against Obama. Primary mission in this election is to remove the regime from power. Goode is not good for that mission - if anything he hinders it.
Obama supported the TARP bailout.
Romney supported the TARP bailout.
Goode voted against it.
Which one is the conservative?
(Did you know repubs punished him monetarily for that vote and that it hurt his campaign?)
Goode is extremely pro-gun yet supported Wilder. He did not change his pro-gun views.
Goode is extremely pro-life and anti-gay agenda yet he supported the ERA. He did not budge one inch on life and gay agenda.
He supported Wilder to show acceptance of equality for Blacks, and he supported the ERA portion about equality of opportunity under the law. Everyone at the time said it was the extremes to which a court might interpret the ERA tha they worried about, not about standing for equality of opportunity and equal treatment under the law.
At NO TIME did he become anti-gun or anti-life.
Obama is BOTH anti-guna and anti-life.
Romney was BOTH anti-gun and anti-life.
Goode has ALWAYS been pro-gun and pro-life.
Which one is the conservative.
So, the best you have against Goode is that he believed in equal opportunity under the law, supporting both a black man and a equality for females?