Excellent post. This is really what it is all about.Axelrod et all buying yet another few hours of no one in the msm talking about how we are in debt up to our ears and even our kids won’t be able to pay it off.How bout that? No budget in 1,000 days,anyone care to discuss that? Didn’t think so.
I recommend everyone get on Twitter and tell them we are concerned about the economy. For example, Stephie wanted opinions on what we all thought about gay marriage. I told him I was sick of hearing about it and wanted to know whay they weren’t talking about jobs.
It doesn’t do any good to let them think that they are getting away with it. Go out there and fight! Use talk radio, letters to editor, twitter, comments sections on newspaper web sites! Mention it to your friends, as in “Do you notice how the president doesn’t want to talk about the economy and keeps pulling these distractions out?”
Get busy, folks!