You're exactly right. I don't even allow people onto my property until first shots and have had people fight with me, TOO BAD. PETA I have not seen give approval yet, but I didn't do an internet search. However HSUS practically gave it a standing ovation -
So you KNOW it's bad. As far as getting enough opposition, we would need ALL (good lol) BREEDERS to come out for this, as well as ANYONE standing on behalf of liberty and freedom.
I was so upset and sick when I read this yesterday, I saw it on Drudge. A few hours later I went back to look and it was already off? WTF? I would think something like that, which is regulating the sales and breeding of ALL domestic animals, would be a bit important? I don't understand how they could even TRY something like this!! Are they expecting enough people to be asleep or what? I've already heard someone on Facebook that is SUPPOSEDLY "limited government" minded support this, I gave them a piece of my mind, but when people hear "Oh, it's for the puppies!" they think it's a good thing. Ugh.
Most people not involved in dog sports think this kind of law is a good idea. And in fact, some of my friends involved in dogs agree because they hate commercial breeders so much. They are short sighted, but not everyone is smart, face it. If they were we wouldn’t be where we are as a country.