Besides a good percentage of American Jews embrace socialism, a mind set what caused many of them to end up in concentration camps, something I never could understand. I would have thought that perhaps by now most of them would have learned their lesson. I am not a Jew myself, but I am well familiar with their history and I like what a true Jew stands for and I always have and will continue to root for the Jewish State of Israel.
I am Jewish and you are going to be shocked at how many Jews are going to vote against Obama. It will be historical. Mark my words.
The Jewish State of Israel was founded by socialists, has oppressive government, high taxes, free healthcare, runs communes even.
Jews seem to enjoy conflict, possibly seeking it out for entertainment purposes. Jews like being lawyers and the constant battle between sides that entails. They enjoy living in the Middle East surrounded by enemies. It's high drama and they usually win the game. But being in the ring, they like guns not being involved. They want it to be a battle of wits, words, and rules, not armed opponents which are too random and unpredictable, in other words not fun to deal with.
G_d knows what some people call socialism nowadays, but a lot of the Jews who fought back were socialists.
Generalizing is difficult, but wasn't it the obedient, law-abiding middle classes who expected justice from governments who were more passive?
But of course, for some people here today, everything European is socialist.