I have NEVER laughed so much. Paultards actually think he has a chance? (Welcome to Nazi germany cica 1931)
In all fairness, it is hard to fault the Paultards. They may be little liberal Nazi thugs, but man, have they got nerve! Now they try hard to play on the arguement that “what are you going to do, elect Mitt”. No I am not. But I would not vote for “Dr. Paul” on a bet. I will not vote for either retard. And neither will most of the GOP base.
Perhaps I am old fashioned, but I love Paultards. How the heck can you not like someone that full of shat?
I'm not much of a Paul fan given his stance on the military, but I do genuinely dislike Romney.
Still, I am curious. In what way are adherents of a smaller and limited federal government, constrained by the U.S. Constution like that of the Nazi party? Were the Founding Fathers brownshirts for meeting as a Congress and using British rules of parliamentary procedure in that body against the Tories?
Thank you in advance for your learned and illuminating response.