I agree - it’s MADNESS.
Too much energy wasted on Islamic ap-cray . .
What has 9-11 wrought - - -
Before anyone answers, imagine if we were still (mostly) in the dark?
Some Muslim leaders who came here as recently as the 1990’s said Islam will rule, Sharia will be the law, and the Koran will be the only holy book.
Problem was, even if a tiny number of us read and heard that, we sloughed it off, and didn’t imagine planes and buildings.
Now we must be aware of Koran-believing radicals and others inserting themselves into our political parties and most damning, our educational system.
No more planes and buildings (terrorism) needed.
Political correctness.
The day this screwed up gooberment of ours finds a “pair” and tells the world, which we seem to have an unhealty desire to please, to mind it’s collective business and tells the world that wrath will befall anyone who seeks to destroy us or our way of life, then and only then will we be taken seriously. Our first job is to get these idiotic politicians and those like them who fall all over themselves to PLEASE our enemies to the peril of the rest of us, out of government, schools, universities, courts and render them impotent and totally irrevelent! We have as many enemies IN government as we do around the world, IMHO.