I see it like this.
All drugs should be legal(. I don’t care if it´s meth,pcp,lsd or whatever drug is now popular with the junkies today it should be legal,
All drugs are dangerous and will kill you in the end . But the goverment has no right to tell a person what to eat,drink or what chemicals they want to put in there body’s.
If a person on drugs commits a crime he should be punished by the law and get the same jail time as a sober person , but if some low life junkie wants to shoot heroin it´s not my business ,no more then it´s the business of peta telling me not to eat beef
We don’t need the government to tell us not use heroin, are you so weak minded that you need the police to prevent you from injecting heroin into your bloodstream?
The argument used for prohibition is the same argument used for gun control, that we need the goverment to protect us from those pesky evil guns cause we might hurt ourself
It´s not a surprise that communist leaders such as Stalin,Mao,Karl Marx and Lenin were all supporters of prohibition . By the way they were all gun control freaks.
How about quitting the war on drugs in every way,cut all help to junkies and let them deal with there own problems and instead lower taxes and decease the size of the goverment !