Nepotism is not exactly what we are talking about here.
Our country has moved from a republic of the people, by the people, and for the people staight back into being governed by a priveledged aristocracy that passes its positions of power down to its children by birthright like the very royalists we rebelled against 200 years ago.
Liz Cheney is the very archetype of what the American revolution opposed and what we have devolved into as a constitutional republic.
The tea party is opposed to this model of governance, yet it seems that you support it.
It's not nepotism if you're qualified. And Liz Cheney is qualified -- in spades.
Just because one member of a family has served admirably in government service is no reason to exclude another very qualified member of the same family from service.
We should support the best qualified, period.
Also the fact that she has an experienced patriot as a mentor would be a plus IMHO.
What are your credentials to speak for the tea party?