RE: Homeschooling - I have no doubt that the radical leftists in this country are planning to make it illegal to homeschool. It’s just the way they are - control freaks and enemies of anyone who will not toe their line.
That being said, I love the idea of parochial schools and other private church based schools. Obama’s HHS mandate is a challenge to all of us as it will affect whether such private schools will remain open. So, in some respects, the HHS mandate is also a shot across the bow, so to speak against all private schools.
If the government moves against private schools, and then legislates home schooling to be subversive and illegal - we are doomed! Some people may think I am crazy, but it is not a far stretch of the imagination to see how this could happen.
The communist goal has always been institutionalization from birth through age 22 —implementation by degree.
Hence the government takeover of college loans on one end, and the drive for free daycare/pre-school on the other.