There’s something fishy here. Rasmussen says Obama leads RomneyCare by 9; but Dean Heller (R) leads Shelly Berkely (D) in the Senate race by 11 - 52-41. So the same Nevadans are gung ho to reelect Heller AND Obama????
Shelley Berkeley may have violated ethics rules and it’s hurting her.
It’s the same reason why the Republican primary voters are gung-ho to kick out RINOs in the Senate, but enthusiastically voted for Romney. Romney won the primaries by enacting mass mind control through the “conservative” media and negative advertising. Obama will win the general election by outdoing Romney’s media blitz on a far grander scale. Voters instinctively know which candidate they like better, but they’re too stupid to trust their own instincts when the “magic box” tells them differently.