Excuse me. Why don't you cut-and-paste an example of "cleverly-shaded half-truth" with regard to the case against Romney.
Go ahead. Show where it's been spun.
Facts is fact, FRiend. Romney has a documented record of being pro:
-- Global warming cap-and-trade, and the eco-tyranny it represents
-- On-demand subsidized abortions (RomneyCare in Mass.)
-- Government-run health care with mandates
-- Forced acceptance of open homosexuality via gay "rights"
-- Appointing activist liberal judges to twist laws (see his record in Mass.)
Your "poll-tested lie and cleverly shaded half-truth" angle is make-believe. I don't know which would be worse for you, not knowing it or knowing it and still pressing on -- but it doesn't matter. Voting for Romney is as nuts as voting for Obama.
Because anyone who does this is thrown off the site as a pro-Romney advertiser.
Sorry... I don’t do “cut and paste”.
But, even if — for the sake of argument — I accepted ALL of your “talking points” as facts, Romney would STILL be a better President than than the dog-eater.
That’s the essential fact to consider. I realize that some people prefer Obama to America;s freedoms. IMHO, that is a mutually exclusive choice.