Welcome, Nube.
A pre-born baby has committed no crime and has had no due process of law. Capital punishment AND Life are both spelled out in both the Constitution and unlike you, the Founders saw no contradiction.
There is no contradiction.
The right to life is, in fact, injured when murder is permitted via imcomplete response. In the same way that ownership would be injured by minimally punishing thieves, so life is injured by minimally punishing those who murder.
Hey, I believe in the death penalty for abortionists. How about that?
If you truly value life, then the correct punishment for taking a life is to surrender your own. Hey Noob, we are all sentenced to death merely by the virtue of our birth. No one escapes that penalty.
I find that Dennis Prager's take on this is the same as mine. If you take a life, then there is no person on earth left to forgive you for the sin you committed against that person. I cannot forgive you if you take someone else's life. I have no standing to grant you mercy. Only God and your victim can forgive you and IMHO the sooner you go to meet God, the quicker you can ask the person you killed for forgiveness.
Anyone who truly values life should believe in the death penalty. To allow a murderer to continue to live and breathe is to deny justice to his victim and to demean the life he took.
A little food for thought noob.