It is like most tradional Christian denominations, but why is that question important? It is no different than asking what Jehovahs Witnesses views of, say, Methodists are.
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You attend a pentecostal church that thinks Mormons are like any other denomination?!?!
You people need to learn the facts and read the Bible. I know several Pentecostals and even attend a Pentecostal church sometimes and I have NEVER heard anything other than Mormons are a cult.
Though my step-dad say a sermon at a Mormon funeral was one of the best salvation through the Blood of Jesus sermons he’d ever heard. He was shocked and mystified.
Always the ultimate comeback, “I know the Bible and you don’t,” at which point I’m done with you AND I’m pretty sure you don’t have a clue what
Is in the Word. Have a nice four years of Obama. You clearly deserve a Muslim preezy.