The ultimate Welfare Queen...
The poster child for Idiocracy where the idiots out breed the intelligent. Not only that, the responsible and intelligent people are forced to pay taxes to support the idiots and their spawn. Meaning, pay for their own swamping and destruction
The perfect parasite-host relationship
It’s one of the most unfair things. Those of us who are responsible, etc., wait — until we can support a family. Sometimes, it’s too late, and we end up just redistributing so much of our money to these moochers. It’s such a twisted society since the Communists destroyed the family unit of days of old.
She might not be such an idiot. She called into Geraldo’s FOX News show on Sunday and said she was considering doing a reality show. So this bankruptcy may be carefully timed so she can do it before the big paycheck comes in so she gets to net an extra million.
We need a new bumper sticker...Dan Quayle was right. The whole idea of women being able to artificially inseminate themselves completely goes against every tenet of nature and civil society. We can survive as a society because the man can usually be expected to be there to help take care of a family and two people have to be involved in creating the children. Letting science and technology mutate something as fundamental about life as reproduction is a recipe for pain, suffering and disaster.