I love science and religion and I damned well am not a Republican. I’m a conservative.
“They ferociously resist any evidence that might force them to change their deep-seated convictions.”
Road apples. Reality has forced me, since my mid-twenties, to change my opinion on practically every important issue.
Change for the sake of change = chaos
It’s called normative, politically biased science”
The Need for Regulatory Science Transparency at the EPA
GOP Lawmakers Challenge White House on ‘Scientific Misconduct’
Science: Beacon of Reality AFS Keynote by Bob Lackey
The Corruption of Science in America
All science is political
Sham Science Vindicates Sham Scientists!
Former Interior Dept. adviser: Administrations report on dam removal intentionally biased (Dr. Paul Houser)
People should read the whole thing as this guy is making fun of the Republican (dumb) vs Liberal (smart) argument
This is a very well thought out piece as I have had the same thoughts
Few, if any, people are open to all scientific truths.
Even the science genius Galileo refused to accept two of Kepler’s findings.. 1) that the moon has an influence on tides and 2) that the planets have elliptical orbits.
I'll say.
Liberals, on the other hand, are more open-minded and tolerant of uncertainty, just like scientists themselves.
[eyeroll] No, it's that they have no bullshit detector, and thus believe what people who are agenda-motivated try to manipulate them with. The author confuses open-mindedness with wide-eyed childlike simplicity, ready to believe whatever story comes along, especially if it aligns with their prejudices or gives them an opportunity to feel superior or just generally good about themselves.