I took quite a few of those myself.
My favorite was Rad. MUCH easer/safer than Chem. Easy to detect, easy to protect.
The most fun was "Air Monitoring at Hazardous Material Sites." It was put on by EPA itself back before EPA drank ALL of the KoolAid.
Lots of egg-pensive toys...
Seems like the Radiological officer, tech, and instructor courses were just 40 hrs each. It has been too many years.
Most of the memories from those were as a result of the powers that be calling every motel in the area and picking the one we stayed at based solely on price.
Asking for another room because the first one smelled of rotting flesh.
Coming out in the morning to thousands of broken beer bottles in the parking lot.
Half of the complex taped off with city condemnation posters nailed to the doors.
Being able to tell what people were wearing as they walked by through the gap in the door frame and the mice going through without breaking stride.
Yea, good times.