What's your game plan? Any insights the rest of us might have missed? (You're right about the Finnish Sniper... in an 'end of the world' situation, we wouldn't even have the advantage the fins had - they had police protection...)
I hold that America is based on individual responsibility, with the exercise of that responsibility defined by the Constitution.
However, any ‘plan’ is based upon the level of, and the cause of, the situation. A major bolide strike, major earthquake with tsunamis, super volcano eruption, or other natural disaster is one thing.
Bio, chem or EMP attacks are another. But one may assume those attacks would result in a coalescing of the public. Some rioting may occur in the ‘Big Sh*tty areas, but faced with an threat from without, people tend to support the “in-group” against the “out-group”.
Bio, chem or nuking, followed by SHTF level societal disintegration is another scenario entirely.
Personally, I have the ability to sustain myself and my friends and protect against anything but a military attack. Prepare as best you can.
In all cases, I will remember that the Republic is worth fighting for. Know who the enemies of the Republic really are. IMHO, they are Muslims, commies, enviros, and anyone who wishes to impose a socialist solution on any problem.