Posted on 04/28/2012 7:35:47 PM PDT by feralcat
...This Presidential campaign cycle is very different for our family than the one in 2008. This time around, we have a four-year-old daughter we adopted from Ethiopia two years ago...
Because weve had the audacity to appear in public with our family, weve been getting hate mail from liberals who are deeply offended that a white family would raise a black child (the Huffington Post posted a video of Naomi and me at CPAC and it generated more than 1,000 comments, many of them utterly vile). Usually, I laugh at baseless criticism and it inspires me to work even harder at artfully annoying my critics. But when I get accused of actually harming my daughter by daring to raise her, it infuriates me. See, for example, an excerpt from tonights Facebook message:
I feel so sorry for your little girl! She has a hard complex life ahead of her! She should not be raised by people who vote against her best interests.
(It was longer and much more offensive.)
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Thanks for clearing that up.
You’ve responded to me twice now, but neither time have you had the fortitude to address the posts to me so I would be sure to see them.
Still, given the quality of your thinking coupled
to your writing, I can’t say as I blame you for trying to keep a low profile even as you engage in a pathetic attempt to “save face.”
I mean really ... “it’s your own prejudice and speculation
based on nothing that is showing through.” Is that from the PeeWee Herman “I know you are, but what am I” school of rhetorical dance?
I have a long and active history on FReeRepublic, and I will admit to using language on you no other loathsome little cur has ever elicited from me. But then, one seldom runs across the kind of nasty bitterness of spirit you have demonstrated.
In the Bible, Christ tells us “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is the only unforgivable sin when his miraculous good works are attributed to Satan. And while you haven’t committed that grievous offense here, the offense you have committed here is surely of the same genus. Out of your wicked heart and imagination you spill bile and filth on those whose rectitude should shame you to silence.
Tell me, in your sainted “volunteering,” how many prospective parents have you
looked in the eye with five, seven, or ten failed domestic adoptions to their credit? And I’m not talking about rejections. I mean negotiated with the mother, footed her expenses, have the baby in arms one hour after the birth, only to have her change her mind, leaving them with no recourse or compensation to try again.
I personally know literally hundreds of parents who have adopted internationally, and many of those adopted have been “special needs” babies, and NEVER have I met even one of these make-believe, one dimensional characters looking for “designer babies” you claim to be so familiar with.
I have personally seen literally dozens of children suffering from facial deformities so bad they couldn’t even draw suction on their baby bottle adopted by Americans. And vermin like you have the audacity to find fault with them over immigration?
And finally you try to insinuate your own chauvinistic masturbations as “opinion?”
My God. It’s like you’re the idiot child of Al Sharpton and Occupy Wall Street. How does the Universe suffer your contemptible existence without vomiting you out of reality?
I’ve read every book and listened to a lot of the audio’s. Like always, the audio’s can’t come close to the books but both are very, very good, very suspenseful.
You won’t go wrong either way.
Thank you!
“Isnt that considered to be redundant?”
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