Under my proposal, You'd be out of a job. Isn't that true?
Inasmuch as you are one of those who benefits from the high cost of education, I don't see how you can look at this objectively. The fact of the matter is that very few students actually participate in live classroom discussion and an online undergraduate course could be viewed by thousands of students at a time, thus significantly reducing the cost of a worthless liberal arts degree.
As xzins and I pointed out, we both learned more in our online discussions on theology in the Free Republic Religion Forum than he learned in all his college courses leading to his advanced theology degree. If college were online and the discussions were set up like Free Republic, then I think we could make an undergraduate degree something that NOBODY would have to go into debt to obtain.
Tell me, what was your undergraduate degree in, and what did you learn that you could not have learned in an online environment much cheaper?
And inasmuch as you’re a dumbass who’s already prejudiced against both the liberal arts (my degrees are in literature, to answer your question) and who wants to fire anyone who holds different political views, I see no reason to waste my time with you.