“When income tax forms have a place to fill in credit card info to make your tax payment, and gas stations switch to digital signs to facilitate frequent price fluctuations (usually upward), nobody cares about social issues.”
I would venture that 50+million murdered babies and a fair share of their mothers now care about “social issues”.
When California is trying to pass a law making it illegal to counsel anyone under the age of 18 so that they turn away from homosexuality, EVEN IF THEIR PARENTS OR THE INDIVIDUALS WANT the counseling, I’d say that more & more people are caring about “social issues”.
You need to get your head out of your wallet and look around.
As for their mothers, if they don't have to care about the 1st order basics of survival - food, clothing, shelter... then I'd hazard that they might.
But until the basics are met, that's all they'll be interested in.
Saving the unborn is more of a 3rd order level of need (after both the physical basics of life are met and safety/security is met).
See Maslow's heirarchy of needs.
‘When California is trying to pass a law making it illegal to counsel anyone under the age of 18 so that they turn away from homosexuality, EVEN IF THEIR PARENTS OR THE INDIVIDUALS WANT the counseling, Id say that more & more people are caring about social issues.”
When such a measure passes via REFERENDUM, I’ll believe you. As someone who is pro-life without exception, I don’t think there is any reason to refer to the biological parent of a murdered child as “mother”.
“You need to get your head out of your wallet and look around.”
I must have missed something; we just had a pro-life president for 2 terms.