The Boy Scouts are supposed to have a platform of tolerance, acceptance, and support -- values that drew my son Cruz to be a scout, and that drew me to want to be a den leader."
Here in my third decade as a Scouter (local, District, Council, Regional, and National), I've yet to see a BSA publication with a platform of 'tolerance, acceptance, and support." I know the Scout Law, the Scout Oath, the Scout Motto, the Cub Scout Oath, the Cub Scout Motto - and so on. Nothing about tolerance and acceptance of lifestyles that don't meet what the BSA considers to be "Morally Straight" or in accordance with the Eleventh Point of the Scout Law: A Scout is Clean (in Word and Deed).
"We believe that homosexual conduct is inconsistent with the requirements in the Scout Oath that a Scout be morally straight and in the Scout Law that a Scout be clean in word and deed, and that homosexuals do not provide a desirable role model for Scouts. Because of these beliefs, the Boy Scouts of America does not accept homosexuals as members or as leaders, whether in volunteer or professional capacities."
Boy Scouts of America, Position Statement on Homosexuality, June 1991
Now I have to dip my mouse in bleach and shun my computer for a few hours - I went to to grab this graphic.
The “D” word may be what she’s referencing, albeit, incorrectly.
I’ll bet she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut and her desire to agitate overcame any sense she may have had.
If she was truly sincere in putting her son’s interests first, she would have made every effort to suppress her own desires to ensure her son had a legitimate shot at enjoying the program.
But nooooooo...the love that shall not speak it’s name just can’t shut up!