thank you for all you do, Mr. Robinson. and thank God for Free Republic.
for some time now (since the landslide, conservative tea party led, victory of 2010 followed by the abject republican failure of the lameduck), i’ve considered myself part of a defacto, conservative party. i think we’ve done our best to revive the R-party, but with the nomination of romney, it seems hopeless that we will ever have representation there. but His will be done.
i hope now that the final curtain is ringing down on the moribund RINO-party, that the shards of the conservative movement will soon unite and form a fresh, new conservative party. again, His will be done.
for now, i’ll throw whatever resources i can spare into support for individual candidates i judge to be truely conservative, whatever their party. we’ll need those conservatives to retard the statism from romney or most likely obama for the next four years.
Thank you very much, dadfly!!
The sun never sets on Free Republic!!
Woo hoo!!
And this just in:
$20.00 from Massachusetts
$10.00 from Never Never Land
$20.00 from California
Thank you all very much!!
We are the resistance!!