If, and I say IF, the expanded uses for NG are allowed to bevelop (with all the infrastructure needed for its use as both a power generation fuel and motor transport) then the possibility exists that we may yet come out of this long depression we face. But now, the failing obama regime has to get into place its various schemes to assure an artificial scarcity, and thus, continue to choke productivity in this country (though it won’t be choked elsewhere).
First, is to find a conclusive reason to deny the further exploitation of the technique of fracking. Like, it might cause earthquakes. Or the gas escapes upward into the water table and natural aquifers. Or the gas escapes to the surface and causes flame-offs and/or unexpected explosions in diverse locations. Never mind that these are events of extremely low probability, all they need do is use scare tactics. And lots and lots of very bad science.
Next, is to slap a completely inordinate tax on the transportation and consumption of natural gas, or to make the permits for the construction of infrastructure so complicated and expensive only a few will attempt to get the work done. And those few will, of course, be large contributors to the corrupt politicians who would try to regulate the use of natural gas down to a bare minimum.
I can see the current crop of politicians in DC doing all they can to harm the folks who dare to vote against them, and the industry as well.
So far, they have had only one avenue of attack they can use, that of flared gas emissions. All others have failed or been exposed as fraud.
Even Pavillion, WY, with a population of roughly 150 people had bad water well before the first well was drilled, and the two gas stations in town shut down over issues with underground tanks. The water near surface there is far more in danger of surface contamination than contamination from a frac.