In the inner city, it is like a rite of passage to get pregnant, and get into the system. And if your child is slow to speak or has one of the many symptoms, then a liberal working for the gov. and perhaps doing so in order to get his/her student loan forgiven (after 10 years of employment and steady payments), who has no problem spending the money of the working class, will maybe classify the child as in need of SSI on slight evidence.
Compassion by neighbors is what should be fostered, as it what is personally and esp sacrificially given calls for a response of accountability, versus an impersonal check in the mail.
Using television as a babysitter hinders language development. Lazy child rearing practices foster poor language skills and thus a learning disorder “disability”.
Same goes for the rise in autism, now expanded to include so-called uncontrollable cussing and poor impulse control. Failure to discipline leads to unmanageable kids - who are now classified as mentally ill and the family gets more money.
What you subsidize is what you will increase.