So, the fact that the Founding Fathers had to use special language grandfathering themselves and their children born before the adoption of the Constitution into eligibility is a figment of our imagnination and does not really exist? You name call us a MORON, yet we have to look at your words and you and ask what kind of person uses those kinds of abusive language and ignores the plain wording of the Constitution in which they make ineligible any person born after the adoption of the Constitution born with allegiance to a foreign sovereign.
WhiskeyX, a question for you, respectfully:
1. Naturalized... foreign born, attaining US citizenship.
2. Natural Born... born in the US of US citizen parents.
3. ____________... born in the US of parents who are not US citizens.
What is #3 called: __________ ?
(Besides “anchor baby”)
What is so hard for you people to understand? If you were born on American Soil, you qualify to run for President. No where in the Constitution does it even mention who your parents were. I would suggest you all actually read it. And if you find the parentige issue, quote the actual part of the Constitution VERBATUM.