Posted on 04/20/2012 8:09:50 AM PDT by xzins
At what price? And for what reason -- because your fear of Obama has risen to a state of panic? People don't think clearly when they're panicked.
The price of Romney is too steep. The risk of losing the most conservative ground under Romney is greater than the risk of losing conservative ground under Obama -- and STOP with the Chicken Little Sky is Falling Obama is Omnipotent and We Can't Survive Him!!EEEEEEEEEE! rationale of pure panic.
I have been accused frequently by rally-round-Romney types of being driven by the petty, shallow motivations of vanity and personal dislike of Romney. It seems to me that those who blindly reel back in terror at Obama, who vow that "he can't be a two-term president! I'll vote for an orange juice can before I'll vote for him!" are equally engaging in vanity and personal dislike of Obama. It's pure emotion that shapes their strategy.
I hope a limited government conservative enters the race. Until then, voting for Romney IS AS STUPID as voting for an orange juice can. Yet I have my vote and WILL use it to FIGHT LIBERALISM with calm, reasoned strategy knowing that it's a gamble, but it's a better gamble than not voting at all or voting for Romney.
If it's R v O, I will vote third party for the express purpose of doing what I can to dilute the liberal statist victor's vote count to the smallest plurality possible, so that socialist therefore enters office as politically vulnerable and weak as possible, on record as opposed by the majority of voters.
An enemy inside the gates is a LOT more dangerous than an enemy outside the gates. Liberalism is the enemy -- not Obama, not the Democrat party, but LIBERALISM. Conservatism is our only friend in fighting liberalism. Obama is less dangerous to conservatism than Romney because Romney is an enemy inside the gates.
I will write in Sarah if for nothing but to lodge my protest against what choices I'm being offered. I refuse to make a choice between two left-wing candidates.
If folks want to elect a quisling Republican traitor to the White House, they'll have to do it without my help. I'd rather face four years of civil disobedience and protest marches against an avowed enemy in the White House, than be stabbed in the back by Romney The Trojan Horse.
I'll keep my personal honor and integrity intact, thank you.
By voting against Obama, my personal honor and integrity will be fine. My wife and dog will still love me.
I appreciate your taking into account my feelings, but please do not think I will be offended because I do not operate this way. Have at it! That's what the ideal of this country is about which so many have forgotten! Say what you mean and mean what you say, and if there is any place on this planet to do this, to offend, it's in THIS country and on this board! In fact, I would love if you tried to offend me because then we could probably get somewhere!
Now, the 4 points you make are quite honestly very weak. They have been expressed time and time again and have no legitimate consideration by conservatives who think rinos are the scourge of the earth! Here's why...
1: Yes, the damage is done. I've heard this argument EVERY election! When do you want to STOP the damage?
2: Romneycare is law in MA and it's citizens are under that PENALTY/FORCED LAW right NOW! Talk about damage being done!! Obamacare will most likely be struck down by the USSC.
3: Pure speculative B.S. A conservative can win!
4: Conservatives are winning at the local level, we have to carry that over nationally! The only way to do this is STOP voting for rinos! ABO is like a disease you LESSOR OF TWO EVILS have!
I am so sick and tired of this BS argument!! Things have changed. It's a NEW WORLD. A Different culture. A more black and white politicon. (Yes, this is a NEW WORD meaning: A politician trying to disguise who they are NOT! They try to CON you! IOW: Mitt Romney and his supporters!)
You can not win with a rino, and all rinos do is undermine the party and America. In today's political arena it's a terrible choice! Until you say enough is enough then nothing changes and we keep hearing your old, tired, worn out, ineffective 4 point arguments with NO CHANGE!
Is there more explanation you need to understand, NO MORE RINOS?
Is there more explanation you need to understand, PRINCIPLE?
“Insulting the people you are trying to convince has never been a good way to win an argument.”
Every CONSERVATIVE in the race was suddenly turned into a “liberal” by the billions of dollars of Romney’s LDS bull sh*t machine.
It’s not about revenge. What these credulous dupes just don’t get is that we are in this situation NOW -BECAUSE- we have placated their traitorous lies for 24 years since Reagan left office.
Yes, we get your specious arguments. We have heard them enough. We will NOT vote for Romney nor will we vote for Obama. We will vote for a conservative so the lost GOP votes can me specifically QUANTIFIED. Henceforth there will be no question as to the consequences of Fox News and the establishment’s chicanery in this race and what it has begotten.
If only people like this dupe who just insulted you with the insipid comment you just addressed - if only they had the perspicacity and the backbone to take a stand against it once and for all, we wouldn’t have to be in this situation.
It’s not as though we do not have decades of precedent of what happens when we give in to these underhanded sobs and “plug our noses”. If we had not done so for the past two decades, we would NOT be in this situation.
There’s still time people. Newt can’t win enough delegates to win the nomination - but he sure as hell can win enough to deprive this ignoble shape-shifter from being the GOP nominee.
These people continue to circumvent the issue which is that the GOP HAS A CHOICE. These Romulans are the epitome of the old-school HIJACKING TERRORISTS in the sense that the traditional hijacker would take the person hostage and make demands that come with the stipulation that if they are not placated, their hostage dies.
That is what Mitt and his cell have been doing from day one as they systematically employed their terror tactics from state to state, primary to primary. Romney and his cell have systematically assaulted each and every conservative from Newt to Perry to Bachman to Cain to Santorum and back to Newt.
We started out with the promise of 999 and unless these people wake up, we will end with 666.
Under no circumstance will I betray my faith and my principles by voting for this lying, slandering, underhanded scoundrel.
THANK YOU. But ... but ... but ... it must be your hatred of Romney, your personal dislike of him, your need to throw a temper tantrum, your vanity ... talking in that post!
Just kidding! I agree with you 100%.
FRiend, pray that conservatives get over their panic and wake up to your SAGE WARNING in time enough to reject Romney at every turn.
My preference: I'd rather Newt Gingrich got the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination, with Palin as a running mate. Or vice versa.
Like a laser, your one-track-focused take blinds you completely to the bigger picture. Imagine the Democrat president to follow Romney. American children today would pay a heavy price for such thinking as yours' cowardice and lack of faith in RIGHT.
You want to strike a deal with the devil that is Romney in order to avoid Obama. I got news for you, FRiend. A deal with the devil is ALWAYS a losing proposition.
Chin, there are other ways of rejecting Romney to advance the conservative cause. Try giving it a modicum of thought.
Rush Limbaugh could have cut the head off the snake and destroyed the Romney candidacy at any point in this race.
Unfortunately, he gave both sides just enough from day to day to feel like Rush was “on their side”. He played both sides for ratings.
Mark Levin and Mike Reagan were among the very few who had the balls and integrity to make a clear stand against Romney.
Despite saying that ‘if Romney were to get the nomination he would then support” the sleaze - at least Levin had the integrity to tear the imposter apart on his show for the past several months.
I like Rush; however, he passed up an important opportunity at our expense at this historical moment detrimental to our survival.
I am urging conservatives, if there is no valid conservative in the race, to deliberately fragment the vote in order to make sure that whichever bad guy wins -- and both Romney and Obama are BAD GUYS -- gets in with the most miserable, pathetic plurality possible, so it is loud and clear that the majority voted AGAINST him.
It hurt Clinton pretty bad with 43% (the Republican Revolution was nourished by that plurality) -- imagine how it would devastate Obama (and supercharge conservatives' victory in a major battle inside the Republican party) if, because we "half-wits" went out and fragmented the vote, Obama got in with only a 34% plurality, fully 66% of Americans ON RECORD, loud and clear, as opposing him.
And no, it won't make me feel like I "got even," because vengeance is for ninnies -- I got over "getting even" when I was a kid. My goal, my motivation, is to USE MY VOTE TO FIGHT AGAINST STATISTS AND LIBERALISM.
That's our kinda stuff!
Godspeed Newt Gingrich.
That, my FRiend, is BRILLIANT.
If conservatives vote against Obama AND against Romney, and Obama wins on such a pathetic plurality that as much as 66 percent of voters voted AGAINST him, he and his socialist agenda, if not entirely dead in the water, will at least be at negative buoyancy and conservatives will probably cream him in the mid-terms, just like Republicans did when Clinton got a 43% plurality.
Imagine what DC will do if REPUBLICANS give their offical approval, even in a plurality, that the Republican party's most powerful representative be an advocate in opposition to FIVE MAJOR CONSERVATIVE ISSUES -- nationalized health care, on-demand abortion, the gay agenda, activist judges (see Romney's record), and cap-and-trade global warming eco-tyranny.
God forbid Romney gets in there, you can kiss the Republican party goodbye. I'm coming to realize that if you want to save the Republcian party and conservatism, the ONLY thing is to vote AGAINST Romney. ABO, and ABR. ABOOR.
I think it's because they're too scared to think straight. :^(
Romney was Conservatism's 2012 poison pill. His message was brought to you by the entirely too willing RNCe.
Oh, man, you are on FIRE today!!! Since 2008 I've regarded Romney as the single biggest threat to the GOP, along with a lot of FReepers. People would accuse us of engaging in a "circular firing squad," and I'd point out, "No, pretty much everybody is aiming at Romney. He's the guy we need to take out."
There were many who loath Romney but who were naive enough to think "Nah, there's no way he's going to pose a threat in 2012!"
I think he's a friggin' vampire, un-killable, sucking the blood out of the Republican party. He needs a stake driven through his political heart. I hope it happens with the selection of a limited government conservative at the National Convention. I can dream, can't I? ;^)
Godspeed Newt Gingrich.
Yeah. Conscience. Conscience is always the factor. Save your spurious false-dichotomy long con for the feeble minds you RiNO's always prey on.
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