Yeah but this whole thing is premised on “That’s just the way they are.” If it’s genetics then how’s it happening with men that were perfectly capable of fathering children, and now they’re homosexual? Or moms that family lawyers will say they’re seeing more leaving marriages for same sex partners? I don’t think so. While there are those that one can readily tell were “Born that way” there are many more who choose that “orientation” because they hate their ex, they hate the other gender, they can’t get a date, they can’t get laid, they want the easy way out.
The homosexual lobby has a vested interest in convincing society that their “condition” is genetic, and that they have no control over it.
If they have no control over it, then that opens a lot of doors, doesn’t it?
It is no coincidence that they constantly try to frame it in the context of the Civil Rights movement, where people were oppressed because of something that was genetic and they had no control over.
It’s not “That’s just the way they are. It’s not genetic. Although there might be a genetic predisposition, the prevailing factor is consciousness patterns and shifts between masculine and feminine aspects. These directly influence hormone production and influence the behavior patterns. The mannerisms associated with a feminine gay man are a function of their consciousness pattern changes influencing personality development which influences biochemistry. The feedback reinforcement mechanism causes a reverse influence as well.