Free Republic is not just a forum. It is a grassroots activist site. And Jim will not allow it to be used to push an anti-conservative. That's his right.
As to not donating because you can't say what you want, hogwash. But it really does sound like a good excuse, doesn't it. Do they also eat in restaurants and get repeated free meals after complaining about the food?
Of course it's his right. But the market is speaking, isn't it? From a "business" perspective, these actions are chasing away paying customers. Jim can do whatever he wants - but remember how that worked out for the Dixie Chicks...
It's not the right that's being questioned but the wisdom. Why is anyone going to participate in a political site if they can't say "we should support this candidate because . . ."?
Now, FR calls itself a conservative activist site. There are a lot of people who consider themselves conservative activists who think Obama must go. I don't think I'm going to go out on a limb when I say that the segment of those who think of themselves as conservative activists who think Obama must go is a whole lot larger than those who think it's OK for Obama to have a second term.
If you drive that segment away you are going to have a participation level much smaller than you previously did. It should go without saying that the donations will drop accordingly, as well as any influence you have. It should go without saying anyway. I guess it ought to be said.
Now you, or somebody, posted a graphic on one of the thon threads saying something like "Exit out Obamaville"
What is your plan to get us out of Obamaville? I don't like Romney. Now, just tell me what your plan is to get us out?
If Romney is the nominee I'm voting for him. Is that cause for a zot?
Hey, you want to see something interesting? Check out Buckhead's recent posting history. . Remember Buckhead, right? The guy who got FR in the Newseum?
Ten comments since August with his last one being "Bull, respectively"