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Ann Coulter: NEGROES WITH GUNS (In spite of Dem's efforts to disarm them)
AnnCoulter.Com ^
| April 18, 2012
| Ann Coulter
Posted on 04/18/2012 4:17:32 PM PDT by Syncro
April 18, 2012
Liberals have leapt on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Florida to push for the repeal of "stand your ground" laws and to demand tighter gun control. (MSNBC'S Karen Finney blamed "the same people who stymied gun regulation at every point.")
This would be like demanding more funding for the General Services Administration after seeing how its employees blew taxpayer money on a party weekend in Las Vegas.
We don't know the facts yet, but let's assume the conclusion MSNBC is leaping to is accurate: George Zimmerman stalked a small black child and murdered him in cold blood, just because he was black.
If that were true, every black person in America should get a gun and join the National Rifle Association, America's oldest and most august civil rights organization.
Apparently this has occurred to no one because our excellent public education system ensures that no American under the age of 60 has the slightest notion of this country's history.
Gun control laws were originally promulgated by Democrats to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. This allowed the Democratic policy of slavery to proceed with fewer bumps and, after the Civil War, allowed the Democratic Ku Klux Klan to menace and murder black Americans with little resistance.
(Contrary to what illiterates believe, the KKK was an outgrowth of the Democratic Party, with overlapping membership rolls. The Klan was to the Democrats what the American Civil Liberties Union is today: Not every Democrat is an ACLU'er, but every ACLU'er is a Democrat. Same with the Klan.)
In 1640, the very first gun control law ever enacted on these shores was passed in Virginia. It provided that blacks -- even freemen -- could not own guns.
Chief Justice Roger Taney's infamous opinion in Dred Scott v. Sandford circularly argued that blacks could not be citizens because if they were citizens, they would have the right to own guns: "[I]t would give them the full liberty," he said, "to keep and carry arms wherever they went." Read More »
TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: anncoulter; banglist; coulter; prostitute
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To: dynachrome
mosin my favorites.Classic Arms will sell you a crate of 20 for $1,800
posted on
04/18/2012 5:58:03 PM PDT
(Are the Ten Commandments a living document?)
To: shibumi
posted on
04/18/2012 6:00:18 PM PDT
("Our forefathers didn't bury their guns. They buried those that tried to take them.")
To: Syncro
Actually, it is a relief to see someone who is a talented writer get back 'on the beam'.
I still can't figure how Ann could support Romney, especially considering the 'Assault Weapons Ban' in Massachussetts (Romney signed it into law without any sunset provision).
(Note: this is just my RKBA objection to Mitt, I will spare the thread the others, which are significant in and of themselves. Just call this the second deal-breaker.)
I do not trust late-stage epiphanies on the RKBA, especially when they are proximal to candidacy. It reminds me too much of John Kerry.
Hopefully, Ann has escaped from the terminal they had her chained to and pulled loose the IVs (with whatever she has been medicated with) and returned to the land of sanity and Conservatism.
Time will tell...
posted on
04/18/2012 6:00:36 PM PDT
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: seton89
“crate of 20 for $1,800” Maybe if I could hand pick them.
Half the fun is hunting the consignment racks at gun stores
posted on
04/18/2012 6:04:29 PM PDT
("Our forefathers didn't bury their guns. They buried those that tried to take them.")
To: Syncro
Whites with guns is what bothers the libs.
To: Sioux-san
Whoops (!)
(Thanks for the additional details)
posted on
04/18/2012 6:09:49 PM PDT
To: Syncro; All
This morning, I taught a buddy from work how to shoot a pistol for the very first time. He did quite well:
I have taught my Wife, her Daughter, Her niece and my workmate.
Our numbers are growing.
Let them choke on THAT!
posted on
04/18/2012 6:19:05 PM PDT
(Look for the union label, then buy elsewhere.)
To: stockpirate
Ann Coulter “screeds” are never going to be banned from this website!
She tends to survive even the most vicious of her detractors, by having based her paid pundit position on verifiable facts, in her political opinion pieces.
As distastefull as many of her stated opinions “feel” to some people who claim to be Conservative, I have rarely seen her proven wrong, in the long term.
posted on
04/18/2012 6:34:38 PM PDT
To: RandallFlagg
posted on
04/18/2012 6:38:18 PM PDT
( "It's coming down to patriots vs the politicians." - ovrtaxt)
To: Syncro
After the war, Democratic legislatures enacted "Black Codes," denying black Americans the right of citizenship -- such as the rather crucial one of bearing arms -- while other Democrats (sometimes the same Democrats) founded the Ku Klux Klan. For more than a hundred years, Republicans have aggressively supported arming blacks, so they could defend themselves against Democrats. Ann's right. Great post, Syncro.
posted on
04/18/2012 6:59:18 PM PDT
(Hoodies - because you can't kill a security camera for snitchin' - - freeper tacticalogic)
To: MileHi
Filmed at Silver Bullet? I shoot there often. Wanna form a league?
Semper Fi,
posted on
04/18/2012 7:02:21 PM PDT
The Shrew
(;; The Truth Shall Set You Free!)
To: The Shrew
Have not been there in quite a while, I’ll meet you there. Say when.
posted on
04/18/2012 7:07:38 PM PDT
( "It's coming down to patriots vs the politicians." - ovrtaxt)
To: MileHi
Filmed at Silver Bullet?
Yep. Both my Wife and I have gold memberships there.
We go once a week -at least.
posted on
04/18/2012 8:33:32 PM PDT
(Look for the union label, then buy elsewhere.)
To: MileHi; The Shrew
We’ll be there at 10:00 AM tomorrow. My Wife wants to try a revolver for the first time, and I’ll be shooting my .44 Super Blackhawk.
posted on
04/18/2012 8:36:39 PM PDT
(Look for the union label, then buy elsewhere.)
To: RandallFlagg
Read this too late, maybe another time. Would be happy to meet you there. Can break out the .44 and see if I can still shoot it {:0)
posted on
04/19/2012 12:31:33 PM PDT
( "It's coming down to patriots vs the politicians." - ovrtaxt)
To: Syncro; sarasmom
It used to be on FR that when Ann wrote something there would be 200+ posts supporting her position.
I know it was funny to make fun of my spelling, but I was in the CCU having just survived a massive heart attack, my first.
Many here no longer like Ann, I am now one of them, if you do take the time to read other posts, Ann, you will fnd that she has lost a lot of ground here. So you support her gay stance, she must support Romney’s anti-second amendment position, and the healthcare bill, so we should assume that you support all of his positions too.
Ever notice that her supporters as well as his always attack with name calling of some sort. Thanks for letting us know where you stand, Mitt.
posted on
04/19/2012 12:48:29 PM PDT
(Romney, Ann Coulter & our ruling republican SOCIALISTelites, are Big Government socialists,)
To: RandallFlagg; MileHi
Read this too late, maybe another time. Would be happy to meet you there. I'm up for a Freeper shoot. Just let me know.
posted on
04/19/2012 12:15:21 PM PDT
The Shrew
(;; The Truth Shall Set You Free!)
To: stockpirate
Oh give me a break!
Not only do you misspell all the time, but you are a top tier name caller.
Calling people scumbags.
Using the “c” word on a Coulter thread also.
Yea, I saw it before the mods did.
Her “gay stance?” She stands like any other woman, your gaydar is wacko.
All the “she musts” and even to me, you “assume” I support all of her positions just because I won't hate her like you do.
Here's your hypocritical statement:
Ever notice that her supporters as well as his always attack with name calling of some sort.
Better that is aimed at Coulter's detractors, you being one of the worst name callers.Oh and BTW, I once posted Coulter's column from the hospital. With a massive blood clot in my lung.
First time I have ever mentioned that on FR, and you use your heart attack to blame you spelling on? Good Grief what a crybaby!
posted on
04/19/2012 12:43:33 PM PDT
(Sarah Palin, the unofficial Tea Party candidate for president--Virtual Jerusalem)
To: MileHi; The Shrew
posted on
04/19/2012 1:10:42 PM PDT
(Look for the union label, then buy elsewhere.)
To: stockpirate
If there really are "many here" who "no longer like Ann", that means there are more petty, small-minded, know-nothings than I thought. Its hard for me to believe there are "many" who can't allow for a different path to the same result we all pray for...the restoration of America.
Some conservatives think any formula to defeating Obama is acceptable. Some think only what they believe is acceptable and everyone else is a RINO.
Good luck finding enough people who agree with you, to defeat Obama. Or are you one of those Lose-With-Principle patriots?
posted on
04/19/2012 1:29:51 PM PDT
(Beat him, strip him and bring him to my tent!)
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