If you could go back and get rid of the politicians that brought us the Income Tax, or the administrations that brought us SSIP, Medicare, Medicaid and the WOsD programs, would you do it?
Obamacare is all of that rolled into one giant liberty stealing program. Yes, Mitt MIGHT do something, but we all know that Obama WILL do something. He already has. If the USSC does not overturn it, then we MUST repeal it now or it will never be repealed.
I prefer to play russian roulette with one bullet in the chamber instead of filling all of the chambers.
You say Mitt might do something? THIS IS THE MAN WHO DESIGNED AND IMPLEMENTED THE MODEL FOR OBAMACARE! Hello???? Observation indicates that it's probable that his vanity and pride are as wrapped up in seeing it pass as Obama's. Romney's registration as a Republican is a beard that, sadly, few are willing to allow themselves to see through becasue they are so blindly fearful of Obama, and they are paralyzed with fear because they have fallen for all the hype attributing omnipotent powers to Obama. But because Romney is a Republican, HE would have the greater power (and would very likely use it) in destroying limited government conservatism, which is the ONLY political defender of our freedom.
The most substantial thing better about Obama than Romney, is that Obama is a Democrat.
Romney has a long, documented record of PROMOTING liberal policies on the five major issues -- cap-and-trade, nationalized health care, subsidized abortion on demand, activist liberal judges, and the homosexual agenda.
And it's just SAD to see folks here hanging on to the ridiculous hope that "If we can just maintain a conservative majority in Congress, we can hold Romney's feet to the fire." Yeah -- and if we can just talk enough sense into cats, we can get them to love going to NASCAR races.
Fear makes people do stupid things -- like vote to surrender everything the Republican party needs to DEFEND.