To: All
"This is why I say that Obama is not our problem. You will note that the "birthers" seem obsessed with the idea that if we can only rid ourselves of Obama, then our problems will be solved. This is silly, for it leaves untouched the spiritual rot of a people who could elect such a half-educated and nasty but (so they say) charismatic demagogue."
Monday, April 16, 2012:
No One is Abnormal if there's No Such Thing As Normality
11 posted on
04/17/2012 8:38:17 AM PDT by
("Andrew loved the battle and he knew the stakes." ~ Mark Levin 3/2/12)
To: Matchett-PI
"...This is silly, for it leaves untouched the spiritual rot of a people who could elect such a half-educated and nasty but (so they say) charismatic demagogue." Your words remind me of the snit fit I had yesterday, watching the "Five", when Bob Beckel seem to imply that conservatives shouldn't be so upset with the GSA scandals when some of the actors had been present during Republican Adminstrations. Now I won't repeat my vile comments here, but my thoughts were something along the line of "I don't care I Jesus Christ appointed these clowns, this country can not continue turnning blind eyes and deaf ears to this nonsense, and Party stooges like Beckel can keep acting stupid because of Party affliation, but hopefully enough sane people will see the larger picture"...
32 posted on
04/17/2012 9:11:41 AM PDT by
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