Issue | Obama | Romney | Newt |
Advocated that abortion s/b safe & legal in America | y | y | n |
Defended Roe v Wade as settled law | y | y | n |
Advocated for abortion for underage girls without parental approval with judge's ok | y | y | n |
Supported planned parenthood | y | y | n |
Introduced $50 taxpayer funded abortion | y | y | n |
Supports homosexual agenda | y | y | n |
Better for homosexuals than Ted Kennedy | y | y | n |
Ok with homosexuals in Scouts | y | y | n |
Ok with homosexuals in military | y | y | n |
Supported and still supports global warming hoax | y | y | n |
Supports gun control (so-called "assault weapons" ban) | y | y | n |
Supports amnesty for illegal aliens (by any other name it's still amnesty) | y | y | n |
Is undeniable father of RomneyCare | n | y | n |
Is undeniable grandfather of ObamaCare | n | y | n |
Still boasts that RomneyCare is great! | y | y | n |
Still boasts that RomneyCare is a "conservative solution" | n | y | n |
Still believes RomneyCare is constitutional | y | y | n |
Still believes individual mandate ok at state level | y | y | n |
Believes state forcing individuals to buy health insurance is a conservative idea | n | y | n |
Believes compulsory health insurance with mandates and penalties s/b imposed on all states at state level | n | y | n |
Believes compulsory health insurance at state level is constitutional (states rights) | ? | y | n |
Believes the state has constitutional power to force you into a private contract against your will for no other reason than you live there | y | y | n |
Supports government "stimulus" spending claims more is necessary | y | y | n |
Believes personal income tax should be cut drastically (15% flat tax) | n | n | y |
Believes corp income tax should be cut drastically (12.5% corp rate) | n | n | y |
Believes capital expenditures should be 100% expensed in first year | n | n | y |
Believes capital gains tax should be eliminated | n | n | y |
Believes estate tax (death tax) should be eliminated | n | n | y |
Believes federal government must be drastically cut per constitutional limits | n | n | y |
Believes unconstitutional federal functions like education should be returned to the states and people per tenth amendment | n | n | y |
Believes social security/medicare s/b phased out/privatized/returned to states and people | n | n | y |
Believes everyone at EPA should be fired and start over as an agency to look for solutions/not hinder industry | n | n | y |
Believes the constitution restricts the government from infringing on inalienable rights | n | n | y |
Appoints/supports/cowers to liberal activist judges | y | y | n |
Will challenge activist judiciary | n | n | y |
Believes in founding principles and has best conservative record to back it up | n | n | y |