That is true. The one thing I credit Bush 43 with is going to see the troops at Thanksgiving against the wishes of his security staff. Obama never goes and when Panetta goes..they have to disarm.
We can go way back and remember the way our military has been treated by elected officials but the suicide rate has increased under Obama’s watch was bad before than but worse now
“The one thing I credit Bush 43 with is going to see the troops at Thanksgiving against the wishes of his security staff.”
Sheesh, talk about damning with faint praise. So the troops are deployed to a war zone without proper safety equipment, they are deliberately denied use of secure vehicles, they’re poisoned through the burn pits and then are shortchanged mental & health care upon return. But Dumbo Dubya took a little joyride over on Air Force One for some undetermined Thanksgiving during his eight year reign of error to mingle so everything is cool?
“the suicide rate has increased under Obamas watch was bad before than but worse now”
Source please.