You are welcome. I got my Medicare card last year, and though have paid into it for forty years, and now pay 100 per month premium, I haven't had to use it yet.
But when I do I'll be especially glad that part of the bill will be paid by ignorant insolent jerks like you.
Ignorant? The system is insolvent. What, do you think that all the money you paid is in a lockbox saved just for you?
It’s a ponzi scheme. They already spent your money.
Tell it like it is Brother Obama!
“But when I do I’ll be especially glad that part of the bill will be paid by ignorant insolent jerks like you.”
hahahaha Put me on that list. I have been voting against and speaking out against almost every single thing the state has done since I turned 18 in 75. Dont put any blame on me.
I voted for two dems in my entire life and I can name them to this day. Dave Brandness for state sinawhore (longtime friend of the family) and Mike OCallahan for guv. An old school dem. And both of those votes were over 30 year ago.
The reps have not done much good but when I voted I felt as if I was doing my part to say no to all the crap. I knew at 18 that SS was a ponzi scheme. I never got a chance to vote against SS, and I never got a chance to vote against Satans greatest victory to date.......... Abortion.
Yeah, blame the boomers for SS, abortion and every other evil the liberals forced upon us
But at least choose a primary provider if you haven't already. Can be hard to find one quickly in a pinch.