That’s how I roll..
A brief digest of “conservative” Romney’s greatest accomplishments ^
Posted on Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:11:06 PM by Jim Robinson
Romney’s “accomplishments”.
1. Implemented/created Gay Marriage in MA
2. Supported and forced Gay Adoption in MA
3. Supported Abortion wholeheartedly
4. Raised taxes/fees over 300% while being Governor of MA
5. Implemented a state-level Cap and Trade system.
6. Supported Man-Made Global Warming
7. Supported the Brady Bill
8. Implemented a state level Assault Weapons Bill after the Federal AWB was allowed to expire
9. Supported TARP
10. Supported Amnesty for Illegal Aliens (Citizenship for those already here)
11. Supported McCain-Kennedy(Amenesty)
12. Implemented a socialized medicine in MA called RomneyCare complete with an Individual Mandate and $50 abortions
13. Nominated 27 Democrats (out of 36 nominations) for judgeships in MA, many of them extreme left-wingers