Homo plantation - made possible by HoMitt's gay advocacy.
Is Maher a d%#chebag? Absolutely. Will I defend Romney? Hell no.
That being said - women should stay home and raise the kids. Call me a paleocon, or just a plain neanderthal, but women should either have kids and keep the home OR do the career, or hold off on the career until the kids are old enough to make their own sammiches.
Liberals are work snobs. There is no job that is no good or not noble out there for anyone, unless it is drug dealing or something illegal.
For a liberal one should be ashamed of working at home, self hating, but not of working at some factory. Why? It makes no sense unless we get the liberal mindset of slavery, because they want to turn legit business into abusive slavery and further subject to government control.
The Smithonian channels called WWII’s war effort successful thanks to the “spirit of the gulag”, I kid you not. Wow, working at a death camp is preferable to them. This is the useful idiot snob of the left and how you get it out of a good home or country and send him or her proud to become a sex worker “outside the house”.
Maher is a pimp, pervert, pedophile and inherent islamist little narcissist.