You signed up on April 8 of this year to post this?
Your posts seem to indicate you understand Free Republic, which means you’ve been reading a while. Maybe you’re a longtime lurker. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since that could be true.
If not, then either:
1) You have another account here and want to say this stuff without having your primary account banned, or
2) You’re an already-zotted retread, or
3) You’re a Mitt Romney supporter, coming on here to discourage us either because you’ve been paid to do so or because you really want Romney to win.
Other than being a longtime lurker who finally decided to sign up to post, which would be legitimate, I can’t think of any other reasons you’d come on here now just to say this.
I’m not the smartest guy in the room, and I could be wrong. It’s happened before and it will happen again. Please show me I’m wrong about you.
Dude, heavn’t you figured out his screen name yet?
It’s Tricking All Idiots Out Wandering Around.