Thank you Jim for drawing a line in the sand for all to see.
You are risking all that you have built to put an end to the failed Republican Party’s stranglehold on the sorry choices that Patriotic American Voters are forced to choose from every 4 years.
I live in Texas, and we haven’t had our primary Election YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW, it is illegal in Texas to write in candidates names.
Hence, I will vote in the Primary for the name I like best on the ballot, regardless of whether or not he is still in the race.
I will vote, (Democrats hate it when Conservatives vote), in the National Election by turning in a ballot with BLANKS for the office slot candidates that I do not want in office.
In this small way I am casting an ABSTAIN vote, just as the US House and Senate members do, when they choose to vote: NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Not casting a ballot is just what the Democrats want, so I will cast a blank ballot for POTUS this November.
I have no doubt there will be fraud in this election (a heap of fraud). This surprises me Texas has this law.