You misunderstand me. I will not vote for Obama or Romney. Ever. I’m 100% for uprooting the Rinos and 100% in Jim’s camp.
I stand corrected. I must have missed one of your quotes, and assigned that line to you. Please accept my apology.
Since you and I are on the same page, I believe that this is the time to oppose the GOP-E and their endorsements of the most liberal Candidate in the field.
The GOP-E has learned NOTHING from their failures of the past.
It will be time to take over the RNC if the Tampa Convention does not produce a Nominee that gives America a clear, and distinct choice between the present policy of “both” political parties: DEBT, DECLINE, and DIVISION, and a National policy of cutting Federal spending to be below the average of the previous 2 years total Federal income.
It is disappointing to read that Newt is making more remarks about supporting Romney than he is making about what the RNC needs to do to provide America with a distinct choice in November.
If Newt thinks that Romney will choose him for Veep, that may explain his change of position.
However, The Romney Road to Ruin is so similar to that Wrong Track of Obama, that even the “clothes pin voter” will not be swayed by Newt being on the ballot.
Time for Newt to make his pitch to reform the RNC by challenging the GOP-E now. What odds do you give for that happening?