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To: greyfoxx39

[[Never forget that Mitt Romney believes that the Bible is correct “only so far as it is translated correctly” and that the mormon church sanctifies abortion “if a leader approves and it is prayed about”.]]

Yes, We’;ll never forget that- however- more improtantly, We’;ll never forget that NOT voting for romeny means REELECTING a dangerous socialist, a man who beleives in late term abortion (hell, who might even beleive in abortion AQFTER a baby is born) who beleives old peopel are a burden and should be euthenized, who beleives that hte constitution is a ‘suggestion, not a requirement’, who beleives that the socialist policies of coutnries liek Africa, Iran Sudan etc are better for this coutnry than the policies we have now- who beleives that muslims ansd sharia law would be better for htis coutnry than democracy is— who beleives that native neergy suipplies are off limits- who beleives that the government knows better than you how you shoudl spend your money- who beleives YOU are the reason the earth is waerming and theat YOU shoudl be penalized for it

While romeny is hte last person I’d vote for- He is the ONLY choice we have IF we want to throw the socialst in office now out

2,181 posted on 04/15/2012 9:45:52 AM PDT by CottShop (Scientific belief does not constitute scientific evidence, nor does it convey scientific knowledge)
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To: CottShop

When you have a Republican who gets up there and says “my views are progressive” and he’s not being sarcastic and not trying to redefine the term, it’s pretty irrelevant whether he’s “better” than the Democrat or not. That’s not someone I’m going to allow to represent the party. The integrity of the party means something too, not just which candidate is marginally “better.”

As long as Obama is gridlocked, he won’t be able to do everything he wants, and anything he does through the executive branch can be reversed by a conservative president. So, while I might be persuaded to vote ABO if I knew he’d still have Pelosi’s Congress, I’m not that worried about him as long he’s gridlocked. And if Obamacare is overturned, then there’s even less power he’ll have as well.

2,184 posted on 04/15/2012 10:00:27 AM PDT by JediJones (From the makers of Romney, Bloomberg/Schwarzenegger 2016. Because the GOP can never go too far left.)
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To: CottShop
We’ll never forget that NOT voting for romney means RE-ELECTING a dangerous Marxist, a man who believes in late term abortion (hell, who might even believe in abortion AFTER a baby is born) who believes old people are a burden and should be euthanized, who believes that the Constitution is a ‘suggestion, not a requirement’, who believes that the socialist policies of countries like Africa, Iran Sudan etc are better for this country than the policies we have now- who believes that muslims and sharia law would be better for this country than democracy is— who believes that native energy supplies are off limits- who believes that the government knows better than you how you should spend your money- who believes YOU are the reason the earth is warming and that YOU should be penalized for it

He is EVIL!


2,186 posted on 04/15/2012 10:05:10 AM PDT by mojitojoe (American by birth. Southern by the grace of God. Conservative by reason and logic.)
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To: CottShop
So I get you'll vote for this guy?
2,187 posted on 04/15/2012 10:11:44 AM PDT by Marguerite (When I'm good, I am very, very good. But! When I'm bad, I'm even better)
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