Yes. We have done so well with Bohener. He goes out of his way to fight Obama tooth and nail. Bo, hardcore conservative that he is, we KNOW that he will fight even harder to rein in the liberalism of his Party Boss once elected.
Because that’s what the record of this congress is. Giving no quarter to liberals and holding Obama to account.
They stood strong on all that financial stuff and we are on the road to recovery!
They reined in Obama when he went to war in Libya, stopped him from sending guns to mexico and fired Holder,
In fact, they did so well stopping corruption in the regime that Leavenworth even built a special room to house Obama!
Oh wait...they didn’t do any of that. But they will when Romney gets in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Soetoro doesn’t care what Congress says, he just ignores then and does what he wants.