How do you know? Because he told you he wasn't pro-abortion? Sorry... I'm not buying it.
"Obama supports infanticide."
And romney doesn't? Where is there any evidence that romney has voted against or vetoed a pro-abortion bill? Anything???
"Obama lining his pockets is not what Im referring to. Im referring to his policies for jobs."
Forgive me but have you looked at romney's "jobs" record? Expanding government is NOT being a capitalist and firing thousands of people after hostily talking over their companies is NOT 'creating jobs.'
"Romneycare is different from Obamacare, because most people in Massachusetts wanted it,"
So because ten trillion flies like to eat dung the rest of us should be forced to eat it too? And what about those few individuals in Massachusetts that didn't want to be forced into a government run healthcare system??? their rights needed to be trampled right? Isn't that how obomba is doing the nation as a whole? I'm confused. What's the difference again?
"but most Americans didnt want Obamacare. Romney hasnt proposed it for America."
Romney's the friggin architect of obombacare. Do you honestly believe romney will try to get it repealed??? You've got to be kidding.
"Newt isnt a strong conservative. He was an amnesty supporter, and still supports a form of amnesty."
Really? Got a "vote" he's made that supports this claim? Outside of his one time support of Ronald Reagan's attempt to fix the illegal invasion of Mexican nationals and others from Central America Newt has NEVER supported amnesty. In fact he was one of the few that actually worked his butt off to stop Reagan from giving the liberals the benefit of the doubt. As Newt said the democrats lied. How old are you?
"He was a believer in global warming, and sat on a couch with Nancy Pelosi."
Most people "were" believers in the whole global warming hoax. Newt no longer is and has spent the last couple of years retracting his prior opinions on that. romney on the other hand is still big on the whole 'green' technology hoowey as evidenced in the business dealings he's involved with and obomba... Well we all know how much he has invested in 'green technology. Again... No difference between romney and obomba.
"Newt did an education tour with Al Sharpton. He supported the Fairness Doctrine. Newt was against Paul Ryans medicare reform."
Newt was a Congressman and learned how to work with democrats to get what he wanted. His votes and the VAST majority of the bills he actually got through Congress are conservative. Just because he's learned how to tell the democrats what they want to hear in order to get his conservative agenda moved through doesn't mean he is not what his record says he is. As for Raul Ryans medicare reform. I'm against Ryan's medicare reform. I think all social programs need to be ended and as soon as possible. Give back the money to the taxpayers and let them take care of themselves. Stop justifying big government.
Forget what each says... I will take Newt's "record" over romney's any day of the week.
How do you know? Because he told you he wasn’t pro-abortion? Sorry... I’m not buying it.”
Is he for infanticide? You are so extreme on abortion, that you can’t tolerate someone who was once pro-choice.
“And romney doesn’t? Where is there any evidence that romney has voted against or vetoed a pro-abortion bill? Anything???”
I said infanticide, not abortion. Do you have evidence that Romney voted for infanticide as Obama did in the IL State Senate?
“Forgive me but have you looked at romney’s “jobs” record? Expanding government is NOT being a capitalist and firing thousands of people after hostily talking over their companies is NOT ‘creating jobs.’”
The point is he’s not a socialist like Obama is, and firing people is part of capitalism. Unemployment went down under his tenure as governor. If you think he’d be as bad as Obama, you’re wrong.
“So because ten trillion flies like to eat dung the rest of us should be forced to eat it too? And what about those few individuals in Massachusetts that didn’t want to be forced into a government run healthcare system??? their rights needed to be trampled right? Isn’t that how obomba is doing the nation as a whole? I’m confused. What’s the difference again?”
It’s different, because most people opposed Obamacare, while most people supported Romneycare. There will always be some people who oppose a bill, and Romney doesn’t support doing it at the federal level.
“Romney’s the friggin architect of obombacare. Do you honestly believe romney will try to get it repealed??? You’ve got to be kidding.”
If he wants to be a successful president, but again, I guess you aren’t an Obama critic if you think that Romney will be as bad as Obama, the worst president.
“Really? Got a “vote” he’s made that supports this claim? Outside of his one time support of Ronald Reagan’s attempt to fix the illegal invasion of Mexican nationals and others from Central America Newt has NEVER supported amnesty. In fact he was one of the few that actually worked his butt off to stop Reagan from giving the liberals the benefit of the doubt. As Newt said the democrats lied. How old are you?”
Newt did nothing to fight immigration after the Republicans one in 1994, and he even admits he supports amnesty today. He still voted for amnesty in 1986.
“Most people “were” believers in the whole global warming hoax. Newt no longer is and has spent the last couple of years retracting his prior opinions on that. romney on the other hand is still big on the whole ‘green’ technology hoowey as evidenced in the business dealings he’s involved with and obomba... Well we all know how much he has invested in ‘green technology. Again... No difference between romney and obomba.”
Most conservatives didn’t support green energy, or believe in global warming. Newt altered his book on global warming, and he’s changed his views, because he’s running for president. Romney isn’t great on this issue either.
“As for Raul Ryans medicare reform. I’m against Ryan’s medicare reform. I think all social programs need to be ended and as soon as possible. Give back the money to the taxpayers and let them take care of themselves. Stop justifying big government.”
But that’s not what Newt said. You’re not saying what Newt said, “social engineering from the right or left is wrong.”
“Forget what each says... I will take Newt’s “record” over romney’s any day of the week.”
Newt is done. He has no money, and he can’t get the delegates.