Taking a principled stand often confuses sheep.
Please rest assured that our Jim is in full control.
I'm surprised he's showing such restraint, given that he's taking the time to repeat his principled stands regarding Willard Mitt Romney several times over, yet we have members here who still seem perplexed, shocked, outraged, and saddened.
I mean, our Founders didn't cave to tryanny or follow unworthy political leaders.
The GOP-E is going the way of the Whigs.
Can we all agree to support and work our butts off for the elections of TEA Party conservatives up and down our respective ballots?
Can we all agree to pray and keep praying? Nothing is yet set in cement.
Newt Gingrich remains in this primary race, which is NOT yet over.
Put your Trust in Him, not in politicians!
God bless you all and God bless Free Republic!
Always vote for principle,.. though you may vote alone,.. and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
-John Quincy Adams