Posted on 04/13/2012 12:13:14 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
A reminder for those who are not receiving the message:
Romney is a pathological compulsive liar. Lie after lie papered over with more lies. Doesnt even flinch when caught in bald faced lies, simply tells another big whopper to cover up or dodge the issue. Funny thing, the man actually seems to believe his own latest lies and simply ignores the glaring record of his past actions/lies. And you have true blue establishment elite RINO Republicans like Karl Rove enabling and backing up his lies. Their motivation is simply to hang on to power (and riches) any way they can.
Ive stated many times since Romney started running for the presidency way back when that Id never vote for him and I will not. He cannot lie his way out of his decades long record of support for abortion, Roe v Wade, planned parenthood, gay rights, gun control, global warming, amnesty, liberal judges, big government, compulsory or socialized health care (RomneyCommieCare), mandates, Keynesian economics, support and approval of TARP, bailouts, stimulus packages, i.e, every damn liberal progressive issue that comes down the pike.
Cmon. These are the reasons the tea party sprang up and the reasons he and Rove loathe the tea party and our tea party conservative candidates. Romney famously expressed his loathing for Reagan-Bush conservatism several years ago when he was trying to run to the left of Ted Kennedy and now hes cloaking himself in Reagan conservatism, knowing full well that its a lie, but he knows its the only way he can possibly win, er buy the Republican nomination.
Screw Romney!! I absolutely will not support or vote for a proven compulsive liar with a known record of abortion and big government socialism, liberal appointments, etc. He still lies about RomneyCommieCare today. Calls it a conservative solution. Get real!!
Listen to what Ronald Reagan had to say about the elites pushing socialism on America via compulsory health insurance:
Ronald Reagan speaks out against RomneyCommieCare
There will be no campaign for this Massachusetts liberal liar on FR!!
Damn the libs and RINOS, full steam ahead!!
But no matter what happens we must turn out in November to vote IN as many conservatives and vote OUT as many rats as possible at all levels of government. If we don't have a conservative at the top of the ticket we must turn out anyway and vote straight conservative DOWN ticket!! Just think of it an off cycle election and pour on the TEA!! It'll be doubly important that we control both houses of congress and as many statehouses as possible.
Restore the 10th amendment!! Impeach the leftist president whoever he may be!! Restore Liberty!! Rebellion comes from the bottom up!!
No Bama!! No Romney!! Go tea party rebellion!!
It wasn’t just Dubya that got us empERROR Zero.
The treasoncrat media, as well as the treasoncrats who make up the Republican “establishment” who pushed juan mclame share most of the blame.
All of the points I made are true, and I didn’t support Romney in the primary. But I’m voting for him.
He cheated on one of his wives while she was suffering from cancer, delivered divorce papers to her in the hospital.
Jackie Gingrich Cushman: About Newts deathbed divorce
My mother and father were already in the process of getting a divorce, which she requested.
Dad took my sister and me to the hospital to see our mother.
She had undergone surgery the day before to remove a tumor.
The tumor was benign.
None of the points are true. You are speaking out of fear and NOT knowledge. So vote for him. But Jim has said NOT to shill for on FR. Ever.
I don't like the man as our candidate, but as Mark Levin says, I'd vote for an orange juice can over Obama. That's Mitt.
Yes, the liberals are listening. That's obvious. Free Republic has been accurately quoted in the New York Times and Politico as a rallying point for anti-Romney conservatives, and inaccurately described in The Atlantic as a racist site, just in the last couple of months. It seems clear that this site is going to end up being a significant thorn in the side of the Republican Party if Mitt Romney is the nominee.
However, without communicating with conservatives, do you have any better idea how to convince people not to vote for Romney and to vote for Gingrich instead in the remaining states?
I'm not prepared to give up. Winning elections means communicating. I read the New York Times on a daily basis and part of my reason why is to learn how the leftists and top government officials think and what they're planning. If they want to read Free Republic I don't see the difference.
“Yes, Romney is the worst nominee for the Republican party but he is still better than Obama the socialist.”
Soooo.....this is what? Oh...It’s sure not a dissuasion. It’s not neutrality.
It’s support.
The only inference is to vote for Romney over Obama. Your ilk can try using your ‘special exception’ to Jim’s edict, trying to get Mom to let you have that ice cream after clearly telling you NO! a few dozen times, but you fool no one but yourself.
Since that is frowned on, why do you insist on doing it?
Maybe we could get Tom Tancredo to run on the Constitution ticket. He nearly won the governorship of Colorado on a third party ticket.
That’s not free if we can only support who Jim supports. You can vote for Obama.
If Jim Robinson wants to ban me because I am recommeding that the Republicans and Conservatives living the critical battleground state to vote for Romney over Obama then let me be banned.
People like you are part of the problem. Go ahead vote for Romney. Knock your socks off. Continue the downward trend of what you supposedly believe in.
I will not be voting for Romney. I will be sitting it out in the Presidential section of the ballot. Perhaps you should take some of your own advice and realize that “something has gone dreadfully wrong in your thinking” if you think electing Romney is a good thing.
Maybe like you said it’s time for you to “wake up”.
Yes, I have heard of Earl Warren. Just begs the question: do you believe that a Romney nominee would be as bad for the country as an Obama nominee? I have asked this question several times. Nobody has answered it, because the answer is too obvious.
A Romney nominee would not be a Scalia or a Thomas. He might be an Alito or a Roberts. Obama would nominate Mao, Alinsky, or Farrakahn. Anyone doubt this?
I really thought you were a good man, Jim. A reply like that puts your website in the gutter, and sounds no different than the garbage they spout at DU. Are you proud of that?
Your call and his choice.
FR is private property. Jim owns it. His house, his rules.
I'm voting for Gingrich, Reagans Lieutenant.
Is it just me or does anyone else think Jim is having a meltdown?
That degenerate clown from Kolob nominated more democrats than republicans to the bench in Mass, plenty of homo activist judges too.
Need an independent on the ballot in all 50 states to keep that con man cultist out of the WH.
I personally cannot stand Romney for the simple reason that he gave us Romneycare which Obamacare was based upon and that he has no core values and principles. But it is what it is and he is the Republican nominee and if Obama must be defeated then Romney must win and he can only win if enough people in particular in the battleground states vote for him...
It was in Massachusetts. Romney appointed radical judges with ties to homosexual rights groups. Voila! Homosexual marriage and adoption rights via the courts. He also supports Roe v Wade as "established law".
And the lesser of 2 evils is STILL evil.
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