“contrary to the cowards caving around us, who are deceived entirely, aware of nothing, particularly on the facts and details of the political psychology being employed, with great success on the so-called no brainer crowd.”
You give them more credit than I do. The really strident ones do not seem deceived or frightened. They are vicious, aggressive and arrogant. Deceivers rather than deceived, and knowing full well what they are doing.
I think they are in “flight”, by way of “fright” right now.
I hope that’s it. But with their eyes scaled they can not see. Either they are hendered for a time, or they turn, or as you say, become deceivers themselves.
It’s early panic set in with conservative contenders fallen and the last conservative in the freezer, they are in full panic of Obama. Romney, however, seems to be our test.
In my faith, it is believed to be a time of “Chastisement”, and He is Mercy. All will see, for a time, before he gathers His own. This is greater than Romney and Obama as saviours for either the Right or the Left, isn’t it.