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To: caww

I found your post interesting as I had a totally opposite experience. I worked full time untill I was 38 when I became a mom to twin boys. My husband and I decided I would stay home to be a full time mom. I have never worked harder in my life. There were days I did not even get a shower, although I managed to brush my teeth and wash my face! There were no lunch breaks and basically I had to have my kids permission to use the bathroom. They are now 15 and I am still working hard. (Although daily showers are consistant nowadays.) I look back on the days when I was in the work force with much laughter as I thought the same as Rosen. I thought stay at home moms were ladies who lunch and did not do much. BTW, the war on stay at home moms is not “faux” and I am not a one percenter. I disagree strongly that I can not relate to women because I am a full time mom.

84 posted on 04/12/2012 1:36:30 PM PDT by BLOC77 (bloc07)
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To: BLOC77
I disagree strongly that I can not relate to women because I am a full time mom.

But that was after you had worked outside the home....but you yourself set your schedule. Not another "Boss" determine the time and energy you put in or not and what days and times.

I would take a stay at home moms job any day to that of working outside the home.....control of my time is significant to me. I began using a legal pad in the home long before I used it in the working world! HA!

But I would differ...I loved being in the home and available to my kids....and doing all that to maintain a household. Is it a job Yes, but it is one that working woman must do both and often they are the only hands doing it all. There is no husband to pick up the slack.

If the car needs taken do it, nobody's going to finish making dinner while you make that run. When you rent an apartment the lanlord doesn't drop the rate because of only one income....and it takes the same amount of heat to heat a room for one as it does for two or many.

So the equation does change considerably.

112 posted on 04/12/2012 2:25:24 PM PDT by caww
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