That was the attempt, but it didn't work.
Even the Dems are disowning this one.
Sure did work...this thread even evidences it.....what are we discussing?
It sure isn’t that there remains a Conservative in the race, nor discussion of His wife....rather we’re talking about Romney.....and that’s what the Adminstration wants in the forefront...Romney...and we’re singing his tune.
We’re loaded with Romney/Obama talk.....when this Primary isn’t done. A distraction to the wifes and media is all it took to sideline the important issues....the race isn’t finished yet.
Rosen let the cat out of the bag, and it ain't going back in. She's an Obama lackey, and she was trying to take down his opponent (at least as they predict things) by taking down his wife.
Bad move.
I smell a couple of shills on this thread. Do you? Considering that Rosen is the subject, sort of fishy?